Kolbe Certified

With my Kolbe Certification, I am equipped to optimize team performance, leverage individual strengths, and excel in leadership roles. My expertise in the Kolbe Index brings valuable insights to organizations, fostering collaboration, maximizing productivity, and achieving exceptional results.

About Me

Hi, I’m Nancy.

Growing up in a Midwest, Catholic family, you learn about hard work, dedication, loyalty, and community. My parents worked hard and took pride in their children. Although they were not highly educated themselves, they supported their children’s choices.

I became the first person in my family to go to a four-year university and the first to obtain a Master’s Degree – in Social Work from Washington University in St. Louis.

My professional background

As a young adult, lacking confidence and trying to create my own path, I found it essential to discover tools that worked for my clients. Funny, I had a supervisor/mentor who ironically would have been about my current age (where has the time gone – lol!).

My mentor encouraged me to become certified as a master’s level clinician in NeuroLinguistic Programming. This study truly started my fascination with the brain and how we could Change Our Brains. I continue to utilize these invaluable methods to assist in the healing process for my clients.

Also, I became certified in EMDR and Neurofeedback. Utilizing these modalities to treat trauma has been “Mynd-fixing” for clients.

Devastation, tragedy, or trauma can be life-altering for children. Understanding how High Conflict Divorce impacts children led me to implement the Parent Coordination process in our county. Through the Parent Coordination process, parents have a forum to resolve ongoing parenting concerns. If parents choose to understand their children’s lives, it can truly have a positive impact.

Believing that each of us is responsible for continual growth, I have recently become a Kolbe Certified™ Consultant. As your Certified Consultant, I am committed to helping individuals, teams, and organizations to leverage their unique “instinctive strengths.” Taking the opportunity to discover your “MO”(modus operandi), one becomes more productive and fulfilled while enjoying the freedom to be yourself. (Kolbe Corp).

Providing therapy for clients throughout the years, I promise to deliver genuine, compassionate, and mindful guidance. I also hope I practice what I preach.

I practice meditation daily, finally enjoy exercising routinely, love cooking, enjoy biking, and water activities. However, spending time with my husband, children, my mother – who is 93 – family and friends is what I cherish the most.